Oh I almost forgot! I need to do an update.
This year I had promised myself I would get a soil blocker, and so I did. I got two actually, one 2" and one .75". I also have put my wonderful designer husband to the task of making me a 4" size, which he is mostly finished crafting out of PVC pipe. The 4" size was just too expensive to buy.
Anyway, the soil blocks are great! They were really easy to make, and I am looking forward to not having containers to deal with. it sure was a lot faster this way! I filled up two trays of blocks and started them a few weeks ago. Within 12 days I had tomato and even pepper sprouts.
Last year I had started my onions indoors but they did not do well at all so I figured maybe this year I should just start them directly outside. if the seeds don't germinate then I can always buy sets... but I'm just trying to figure out the best way. So I planted them outside a few weeks ago, we'll see what happens.
I have a few volunteer garlic plants coming up in last year's patch, I think some of them just didn't quite make it up through the thick mulch and so must have hibernated. I also have a new patch of garlic I planted this spring which is coming up quite nicely. And then I also have a few scallions that overwintered just fine.
As far as seedlings, here's what I have planted:
- Great White
- Principe Borghese
- Dad's Sunset
- Tess's Land Race Currant
- Litchi
- Craig's grande Jalapeno
- Purple Jalapeno
- Orange Habanero
- King of the North Sweet Pepper
- Orange Bell
- Sweet red mini stuffer
- Quadrati D'Asti Giallo Sweet
I also planted Thai Yellow Egg eggplant again.
Most of the seedlings are up except the Litchi Tomato, Great White and the King of North pepper (oh, and the eggplant but I remember it taking a long time last year too). Even the habaneros sprouted in about 12 days, it was crazy. All I did was prop up the seed trays with the humidity domes so that the bulbs are almost touching the plastic dome. The tomato seedlings that came up first already have their tiny set of first leaves but they are not leggy this way. They already need to be taken out of the tray to a new one, but the others are so small that I'll need to figure out something because I can't take them all out yet.
The one thing I am very happy about is that the Dad's Sunset was our favorite tomato from last year. It was so tasty and delicious but I never got any seed saved. I thought I had ONE seed left in the packet but then it turned out I had three. And all three germinated, and they were the quickest seeds to germinate! So lucky me, I will have more of them. And you know I will be saving seed from them!
7 months ago