My time has come. My maternity leave is officially up and I go back to work today. The next couple years of my life are probably going to be very busy, and so I probably won't post as much during the week. I'll try, though! The tradeoff is that after Tommy finishes with school, I can quit my job and be a full-time stay home mom. I think about that day... probably every single day.
This last weekend was great - we went up to the property on Saturday for a day trip and I planted a few cloves of garlic just to see what would happen :) I'll post pictures later, of course. The area is so beautiful, every time I go up there I am so refreshed by it and then there's a definite melancholy when we have to leave. Eleora had a fantastic time and I think she'll really enjoy camping next year. We didn't do a lot of it this year since it is pretty hot during the summer and I was pregnant. We went back in may but she wasn't super stable on her feet yet and kept tripping on the underbrush. This time, she was a fully stable, running toddler. Don't they grow SO FAST?!?!
And the coffee photo... well, yesterday I went to Costco and they had EGGNOG and I just love eggnog in my coffee. So, it's a bittersweet day.
Taking my 8-week old baby to daycare later will not be fun. Sorry about my mood... I'm not feeling very happy right now. Don't get me wrong - I actually enjoy my job. If I didn't have kids I'd probably love going to work every day but I really just feel like I should be at home with the girls. Tommy going to school is a big deal and it will change a lot of things for us and will be what enables me to stay home with the kids... but that isn't making it any easier to gather up blankets, bottles, diapers, and whatnot to bring with the kids, hand them off to someone else and say "here, take their whole day." I'll probably get about 1 1/2 hours per day with Eleora - I get off work so late that she goes to bed 30 minutes after I get home.
Sorry, I'm being emo - I'll stop now.
6 months ago