So it begins. I finally finished building my garden boxes the other day and also got my starter garlic in the mail. I bought a half pound of Inchelium Red and Music Pink. I'll probably be buying other types as we go along but I plan on saving bulbs from the results of this planting and thus continuing these lines. Hence, the beginning.
I ordered sort of late in the season and so there's no particular reason why I got the Music Pink aside from that it was a hardneck (I want to try both), it was available and one of the cheaper options.
Inchelium Red was one variety I was set on growing. In my quest for local food I discovered that this garlic is one of the best tasting garlics, and was discovered here in WA on the Colville Indian Reservation. That's actually really close to where Uncle Dutch Farms will end up being - the acreage is in Addy, WA. It is a softneck and I think I'd rather grow hardneck but then again, I'm a complete novice and so I don't even really know what I'll prefer.
So now I have to figure out what to put in my garden beds so I can plant this garlic in the next couple weeks. I finished the boxes but was planning on filling them gradually, lasagne-gardening-style, with leaves, manure, compost, wood chip mulch, etc. So we'll see what I come up with. I might do just garden soil from the local nursery but I balk at paying for it and not to mention I'd probably have to fill an entire large bed with it, so I guess we'll have to see how it turns out.
Just today, Tommy tore out some beams that were buried in the ground in my garden area. So now, I just gotta get my wood chip mulch for the first layer... I already have plenty of cardboard in our basement. I'll lay down cardboard over the entire area I plan on using, then will put my beds in place and layer on some wood chip mulch... and wet it down really well. This will kill the weeds underneath and give me some nice pathways. Here's the future garden area:
And here's my garden boxes that I built all by myself :) OK with some "help" from Eleora, that is ;)
6 months ago