So yesterday after we finished at the pumpkin patch, I borrowed my sister's truck and went up and got a load of manure to put on the garden. There is a guy north of here with a horse farm who will give you free manure and he'll even load it himself with his tractor!
I, of course, just HAD to unload it myself. It was great fun! Some of you might wonder why I don't make my husband do things like unloading manure or building me garden beds... so I guess I should mention how much I love doing projects like that. I know it sounds odd, but if I let him build my garden beds or unload my manure, it would take some of the fun out of my project for me. With that said, he has been a big help in lots of ways, mostly though, just in tolerating me and my hare-brained schemes ;) Oh yeah, and he washed the truck afterwards for me :)
So anyway I just put the manure into a pile. I want to get the wood chip mulch in first and they haven't delivered it yet. I think I'll call again today and see what the delay is, since it was a week ago today that I asked for it. They might have not had any jobs in the area, but that seems odd just because the corporate office is just a few miles away.
Oh, and I also picked up some canning jars from a lady in Spokane via craigslist. She gave me 2 new flats of jars (pints and quarts) and also about 6 quarts and 6 jelly jars. Oh, and a jar lifter and funnel. I gave her $13 for it, it was all the cash I had left and boy it was a great deal! What a sweetheart she was! The other day I went to a garage sale and the lady had 18 pint jars in a box. They were really dirty, with mouse poop even, so she gave them to me for $2. I soaked them in bleachwater to get the crud off, and then ran them through the super hot sanitizing cycle on my dishwasher. So now I have plenty of jars! Especially pints. I might have to buy some quarts, though now I have about 18 of them so that might last me a bit. I'm hoping to get some grapes so I can try the method of making juice where you just put 1 1/2 cups of fruit in the jar, top it off with sugar and water, and can it. Wait 3 months and it turns into fruit juice :) We'll see, though.
6 months ago