The photo is the first smile I've caught on camera... she's smiling a lot lately. Yesterday morning, Sophia woke up with a super stuffy nose. She thought she couldn't breathe, and panicked, and of course it got way worse when her mean ol' mom pounced on her with saline nose spray and a bulb syringe. So after the traumatic awakening, combined with the fact she'd wet through her diaper I thought I'd take a bath WITH her and cuddle there.
She loved it! And there was an interesting side effect. Her morning nap was long. I mean... looooooong. I finally woke her up at 1 to nurse because I needed to! Tommy suggested it might have been because of the bath so I decided to try it again. Last night at bedtime I ran another bath and we cuddled and played together. But it backfired! She did NOT want to go to sleep, she wanted to be social. In fact I don't think I went to bed until about 11:30! It was horrible. I'm normally out by 10, she's asleep for the night usually by 9. But she kept waking up and kept waking up...
Anyway, when I finally did go to bed I nursed her one more time before I put her into her bed and then went to sleep. AND DIDNT WAKE UP UNTIL 6:30!!!! That means she slept for almost 7 hours straight! WOOHOO... baby sleeps through the night!
I felt strangely rested and was trying to figure out why when I realized that she hadn't woken up to nurse! She woke up at 7 like she usually does to nurse and went back to sleep and has been sleeping since. Isn't that nuts?
So I think we'll do a bath again tonight :) Only maybe a little earlier so if she wants to hang out afterwards, I don't end up going to bed at 12! Maybe I'll start feeling rested more often ;)
6 months ago